The Home Energy Rating Systems Council, Inc., is a non-profit trade association for companies primarily engaged in energy ratings, audits, and inspections. For more, visit the “History of Home Energy Rating Systems Council” page.
Eligible companies must be engaged in the home energy rating industry, including but not limited to energy auditors, HVAC contractors, insulation contractors, and home improvement contractors. Defining features include, but are not limited to:
– Performing tests / inspections for energy code compliance, home energy audits, and home energy ratings
– Performing software modeling and analysis for energy code compliance, home energy audits, and home energy ratings
– Performing verification / compliance tasks for above-code programs (ex. ENERGY STAR® New Homes)
Ineligible companies include, but are not limited to:
– Companies that solely perform HVAC design, installation, and commissioning services
– Companies that solely perform insulation installation services
– Companies that solely perform training for the home energy rating industry
– Companies that solely perform quality assurance / control for the home energy rating industry
– Home Certification Organizations (HCOs)
– HVAC Quality Installation and Training Oversight (H-QUITO) Organizations
These organizations will be able to join as non-voting Associate Members at a later date.
The Home Energy Rating Systems Council transcends HCOs to encompass all companies directly engaged in the home energy rating process. As such, HCO(s) are ineligible to be voting members. However, we acknowledge HCOs are a critical element to enforcing applicable ANSI and ISO standards. The Home Energy Rating Systems Council will represent our members’ voices and needs to each HCO, as well as local, state, and federal entities. Our goal is to provide one voice that rises the tide for all the rating companies engaged in the industry.