In 1993, the original Home Energy Rating Systems (HERS) Council was established in Maryland, with the aim to bring a more structured and standardized approach to home energy ratings.
In 1995, the DOE issued voluntary guidelines for Home Energy Rating Systems (HERS), which outlined procedures to certify technical accuracy, train raters, and data collection standards. These guidelines were developed by the HERS Council for the DOE. The published guidelines created a uniform practice for all home energy rating systems. The Home Energy Rating Systems Council, Inc. was officially incorporated in Washington, DC, with the mission to steer the development and implementation of HERS.
The US EPA launched ENERGY STAR® for New Homes in 1995, with the HERS rating method developed by the US DOE and HERS Council as the foundation.
In 1996, NASEO and Energy Rated Homes of America formed a joint technical committee to develop interim technical standards for HERS. They met with the HERS Council and the US DOE to discuss potential changes to the DOE guidelines.
The HERS Council disbanded in August, 2000, due to lack of continued funding from the US DOE.
Inspired by the pioneering work performed by the original Home Energy Rating Systems Council, our trade association was formed as the Home Energy Rating Systems Council, Inc. to provide companies a unified voice for the practitioner to federal programs, state agencies, the International Code Council, Home Certification Organizations, and other ANSI Standard Development Organizations.
As a trade association, we represent the interests of our member companies who perform the work that proves energy code compliance, energy audits, and energy ratings.
We think it’s time for the ones who must do the work to have representation.
Home Energy Rating Systems:
ENERGY STAR® New Homes and Apartments
The ENERGY STAR New Homes and Apartments program is an above code energy rating system….
DOE Zero Energy Ready Home
The DOE Zero Energy Ready Home (DOEZERH) program is the evolution of the previous DOE…
Building Science Institute, Ltd. Co.
Building Science Institute, Ltd. Co. (BSI) is a Quality Management Organization designed from the ground…
Visit the PHIUS Project Certification page!
California Home Energy Efficiency Rating Services (CHEERS)
California Home Energy Efficiency Rating Services (CHEERS) is the online collaboration hub that brings the…
DOE Home Energy Score (HES)
“Developed by DOE and its national laboratories, the Home Energy Score™ provides home owners, buyers,…
Residential Energy Services Network, Inc.
The Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) is a non-profit, membership based organization with the public…
Building Performance Institute, Inc.
The Building Performance Institute, Inc. (BPI) is located in Upstate New York, and has been…
Passiv House Institute
Click here to visit Passiv House Institute’s Certification system
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